Heart-warming illustrator.
I'm a freelance illustrator with happiness within; finding meaning in the mundane.
And I'm based in Seoul, South Korea.
I love to draw my daily life and the cities and places I have travelled and visited.
Drawing and sharing my life like this via the medium of illustration, brings me happiness and warms my heart.
Drawing and sharing my life like this via the medium of illustration, brings me happiness and warms my heart.
There are many different materials for creating my illustrations. There are lots of different choices at my disposal. However, the reason why I prefer coloured pencils among them all, is because I can take my time to draw, and also reflect and enjoy the process.
I am confident in my ability to draw something close to my heart, and I feel a lot of fulfilment through this work. Sometimes there are people who are curious about why I practise hand-drawing when there are more convenient digital alternatives. These same people can forget that to them, what may seem ordinary or boring in my life, comes alive when I draw those moments.
What may seem ordinary or boring in my life, comes alive when I draw those moments.
Sharing this doesn’t mean that I’m particularly talented or really good at drawing. It means that I can give beauty to even the most mundane of moments, and there’s art in that.
So I want to share happiness and positivity through my art, holding faith that my creations will be used well wherever my abilities and inspiration is needed.
Contact Me
- Dreamhanger 드림행거 / 맞춤 리플렛 제작 및 일러스트레이션 제작
: 제주롯데CC 전용 일러스트
반려견을 위한 호텔 전용 케이프 및 엽서 일러스트레이션 제작
- Sudio / 홍보 일러스트레이션 제작
- Tombow, Stabilo / 홍보 일러스트레이션 제작
- Pocket Comics / Youtube 일러스트레이션 제작
- Piece Island / 일러스트레이터 입점
- 도서출판 성안당 / 홍보 일러스트레이션
- Aww Magazine / 내지 일러스트레이션
- 드림제주 / 내지 일러스트레이션
- 고등 과학원 HORIZON / 내지 일러스트레이션
- Sunnies Specs / 일러스트레이션
- Fy! / 일러스트레이터 입점
- Hongkong <Milk X> / 내지 일러스트레이션
- 북플로우 야외전시 <봄향 일러스트전>
- 어라운드시소 전시
- 제19회 서울디자인페스티벌 / 주목해야 할 일러스트레이터 참가
- XII Sao Paulo International Architecture Biennale - France Team <Dia a Dia>
/ 매거진 표지 및 내지 일러스트레이션
Articles About Me
Creative Review
Creative Collective